Sustainability Management Policy
Advanced Information Technology Public Company Limited (“the Company) always recognizes the importance of business development for sustainability, manages the organization according to the principles of good corporate governance, conducts its business with integrity and ethics, and takes into account all groups of stakeholders, as well as social, community, and environmental responsibilities. The Company has established a sustainability management policy that focuses on three (3) dimensions, namely economic dimension, social dimension, and environmental dimension, in accordance with business goals and current situation that will lead to sustainable growth together.

Economic dimension
- Good corporate governance and business ethics
- Effective risk management
- Responsible supply chain management
Goal: To create sustainable returns, continue the business to grow under good corporate governance and related laws, and create mutual benefits with all stakeholders.

Social dimension
- Human rights and labor practices
- Supervision and development of human resources
- Creation of value in sales and service and development of new innovations
- Participation and development of communities and society

Environmental dimension
- Maintenance of water resources
- Efficient use of energy and promotion of renewable energy
- Effective waste management
Goal: Promote the efficient use of resources, systematically manage resources such as reduction and disposal of waste, electronic waste, and waste properly, efficient use of electricity, reduce the concentration of greenhouse gas emissions based on the proportion of both direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions.
Sustainability Management in Social Community and Society Policy
The Company recognizes the importance of developing and engaging with communities and society, especially our employees, which are essential resources to drive the business to achieve its goals and lead the organization to sustainable growth, along with continual care and development of society and communities in order to promote participation in improving the quality of life for the better by formulating social policies and guidelines as follows:
- To operate the business in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance and respect human rights and treat workers fairly.
- To strengthen and develop employees in the organization to have knowledge and abilities leading to the development of innovative sales models and new services to support the company’s growth, as well as to oversee the compensation and welfare to be at the level Appropriate, coupled with comparative analysis of businesses in the same industry and organizing the organization within the framework of the law.
- To consider the needs of the community and encourage employees to participate through various activities to create opportunities for access to information technology and improve the quality of life of the community, such as donating computers, promoting knowledge in the form of electronic, and installation of systems for accessing information technology in remote areas.
- To build a good relationship with both public and private organizations as well as community leaders at various levels, including all stakeholder groups, to build good relationships and to be able to collaborate in sustainable, and concrete community development.
Sustainability Management in Environment Environmental Management Policies and Practices
The Company is aware of its duties and responsibilities towards the environment and strives to enhance the efficiency of environmental management. This covers operating activities or providing services of the Company with the policies and guidelines on the environment as follows:
- To comply with the law regulations and the environmental requirements in the activities of the Company strictly.
- To cultivate and create awareness among employees at all levels to consider environmental responsibility in order to understand and realize its importance by continually organizing staff training and campaigns through environmental activities conforming to the international standard ISO4001, as well as other relevant standards.
- To develop and improve the environmental resource management system, continual improvement, and review of work processes to reduce negative environmental impacts, as well as supporting the efficient and effective use of resources.
- To support procurement of environmentally friendly products and services, including encouraging suppliers, contractors, and external service providers to provide environmentally friendly services.