Sustainable Human Resources Management

Sustainable Human Resources Management

Career Management and Development

AIT realizes the significance of career path by promoting the capacity of career management and development of the employees in order to achieve the sustainable growth along with the organization. The advantages of career development is to enable the organization and the employees to move towards the shared goals together .We support the capacity development of career path as follows;

Career Development

To enhance the satisfying career development and achievement, a planner needs to recognize better understanding in process and steps to fulfill;

  1. Career Planning

    Career planning for the employee’s career goals or future goals. The planning of the employee’s career path depends on factors of interest in the employee’s various fields and unique abilities. Including training and guidelines for developing the potential of employees.

  2. Career Management

    Employees have the opportunity to grow and change their career paths into more advanced careers such as Transferring from one occupation to another that can grow even more, etc.

  3. Career Path

    Career path through promotion in the same job or transfer to a new position with different skills, complexity, or higher job value.