Working Environment

Work Environment
At AIT, we recognize that the quality of working life is a vital aspect of overall quality of life. Our aim is to provide our staff with a working environment that is beneficial to both life and work balance. We believe that an exceptional workplace facilitates better performance, enhances team collaboration, and positively influences employee mood and state of mind.

Learning and Development
AIT continuously supports employees’ personal learning that is a strong foundation holding the key to company’s success and sustainability. Furthermore, the organization also encourages employees to develop their capacity of development to be striking and boost efficiency in operation and performance in order to thrive in each career track steadily along with the organization.

Welfare and Benefits
Due to the fact that human resource plays an important role as a key mechanism for organization development, AIT Company has a rewarding policy for the employees based on transparency, equality, and fairness. Our company provides management of required allowance, welfare, and benefit to the employees which will enable them to compete with other leading companies in the same business area. By the definition of AIT, it is the organization that considers compensation and employee’s welfare as “Good Life Benefit” aspect including other fit and fair benefits.